
Die Geschichte

The Bürgerbräu brewery, formerly known as the Müllersche brewery, was one of the oldest breweries in Germany; it existed almost as long as Görlitz was a city, i.e. 730 years. Today, however, it is known as the “ Bürgerstübl ” and now serves as a public restaurant again.

In Görlitz's history, none of the city's rights has been more controversial than the right to brew and sell beer. It was only with the great cloth makers' uprising of 1527, in which the craftsmen's guilds also wanted to enforce the brewing rights by force, that the fight was decided forever in favor of those with old rights. That the brewery in the many years of its It goes without saying that it has changed hands several times over its existence. Niclas Tylike owned the brewery around 1496. From 1730 to 1760 the brewery was owned by the Mitsching family, who had the brewery largely rebuilt and rebuilt and gave it a solid design. After the house was renovated by the Laux family, the restaurant was built according to the historical model with the help of the Landskron brewery modeled on Görlitz.

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